About Dersbot maintenance process and new team fellows

Hey, learners of Atılım. This announcement is for you!
Dersbot has been developed by a group of students at Atılım University. The main purpose is to help students while they prepare their course schedules without struggling with course hours updates on EduPage. Dersbot informs students when their schedules are out of sync with the EduPage. There are 2 backend projects, 1 frontend project and 1 react native project. I would like to leave Dersbot to the our school's communities. The latest statistics for the web app are 51.000+ users entrees and 162.000+ page view, for mobile 3000+ active users and 1.4 million activities. Every school term, Dersbot needs some configurations to read EduPage data properly. In the background, cron jobs are always working and that needs to be monitored responses to be sure they are accurate. So I need a team that has PHP, NodeJs and React Developers to maintain Dersbot and also good to have UX/UI Designer and Social Media Manager. I am sure that the experience of working on a real-life project before graduating helps you to find your future tech career which is fit for you. If you are interested to join a team please reach out to me via info@dersbot.com

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